LANCAR: Leveraging Language for Context-Aware Robot Locomotion in Unstructured Environments

University of Maryland, College Park
DEVCOM Army Research Laborator
University of Central Florida
*Equal contribution (listed alphabatically)
Interpolation end reference image.


Navigating robots through unstructured terrains is challenging, primarily due to the dynamic environmental changes. While humans adeptly navigate such terrains by using context from their observations, creating a similar context-aware navigation system for robots is difficult. The essence of the issue lies in the acquisition and interpretation of contextual information, a task complicated by the inherent ambiguity of human language. In this work, we introduce LANCAR , which addresses this issue by combining a context translator with reinforcement learning (RL) agents for context-aware locomotion. \ours{} allows robots to comprehend contextual information through Large Language Models (LLMs) sourced from human observers and convert this information into actionable contextual embeddings. These embeddings, combined with the robot's sensor data, provide a complete input for the RL agent's policy network. We provide an extensive evaluation of LANCAR under different levels of contextual ambiguity and compare with alternative methods. The experimental results showcase the superior generalizability and adaptability across different terrains. Notably, LANCAR shows at least a 7.4\% increase in episodic reward over the best alternatives, highlighting its potential to enhance robotic navigation in unstructured environments.


Interpolation end reference image.

Context-Aware Reinforcement Learning Robot Locomotion. Our framework introduces a context translator aside from the standard RL framework. For the environment with diverse terrains, the agent gets the explicitly observable state as the observation, and the human observer (or VLM) perceives the context information as the implicitly observable state. The human observer (or VLM) interprets the contextual information to the LLM translator. The LLM translator extracts the environmental properties from the con- textual information and generates the contextual embedding, which is concatenated with the observations as the input for RL agents. RL agents produce the action using their control policies given the context-aware inputs and execute the action in the environment.


Low Friction High Elastic Ground


LANCAR (Indexing)

LANCAR (Embeddings)





We perform evaluation experiments across all baselines and ablation studies over 10 cases (5 low-level context cases and 5 high-level context cases). ARS-based approaches achieve much higher episodic rewards than all other baselines. ARS using LANCAR embeddings for contextual information have a better performance than all other approaches in most cases

                        Total      Rewards    in 10^3   (5000    steps)                                                              
Method Backbone A B C D E F G H I J
ARS 36.628 19.698 38.000 28.573 30.744 35.545 13.051 29.819 34.053 33.934
No-Contex SAC 24.189 -10.128 15.5710 -10.839 -11.457 9.461 -7.123 -10.076 18.252 -3.994
TD3 25.001 -6.756 17.768 -12.230 -11.726 9.833 -9.445 -12.450 19.352 -3.583
PPO 7.542 -8.266 -1.249 -10.159 -10.073 4.534 -7.262 -10.637 15.798 -2.181
ARS 36.659 23.435 38.366 20.649 22.952 37.791 16.265 22.776 36.676 35.257
LANCAR (Indexing) SAC 16.423 -9.695 14.534 -12.199 -12.443 7.521 -7.592 -12.012 16.252 -5.815
TD3 20.867 -7.665 15.734 -11.672 -11.612 7.955 -7.328 -13.414 17.089 -4.131
PPO 24.119 -8.343 11.851 -8.520 -9.498 10.937 -10.980 -10.333 19.934 -2.009
ARS 41.220 20.706 41.725 29.545 31.595 40.563 12.162 30.961 39.722 36.623
LANCAR(Embeddings) SAC 12.154 -8.648 17.251 -9.413 -11.159 8.381 -7.197 -12.599 16.176 -5.970
TD3 20.714 -8.655 17.788 -9.138 -11.022 8.587 -6.465 -12.478 15.772 -6.800
PPO 12.979 -9.449 5.512 -9.187 -10.314 8.345 -9.533 -9.391 15.607 -8.148

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